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Made-to-Size (MTS) mesh is a customised mesh manufactured by OneSteel Reinforcing. Sheets up to 9 x 3 m are manufactured on state-of-the-art equipment.  MTS mesh minimises waste and saves time and labour by eliminating excess carrying, cutting and tying of mesh sheets. MTS mesh can also create construction efficiency with precast tilt-up concrete panels manufactured on site. The machine is able to offer reduced flying ends and variable wire spacing in order to maximise the efficiency of mesh use. 

Associated standards: 
AS/NZS 4671 : 2001 Steel reinforcing materials
AS 3600 : 2009 Concrete structures
AS 3727 : 1993 Guide to residential pavements 
AS 2870 : 2011 Residential slabs and footings – Construction

ONEMESH MADE TO SIZE - Showroom Warehouse, Wagga Wagga

OneSteel Reinforcing has given fabricators of tilt-up  precast concrete panels another construction efficiency advantage.  The new mesh option simplifies the making of many precast tilt-up concrete panels and it is doubly effective in the hands of concreters who make their panels on-site.  One of the first to try ONEMESH® MADE TO SIZE mesh for on-site tilt-up panels was David Brown Concreting from Wagga Wagga in NSW.


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ONEMESH® Made To Size - Rodney's Transport, NSW

Construction of a 5,600 square metre slab for a major new warehouse in Wagga Wagga, NSW, brought together local concreting contractors and a time and money saving mesh solution from OneSteel Reinforcing.

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ONEMESH® Made To Size - Baiada Chicken Sheds, NSW

To accommodate the expansion plans of Australian poultry giant Baiada, OneSteel Reinforcing manufactured a special size SL72 ONEMESH® in 9 m x 3 m sheets.

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