Mechanical Spring Wire

Liberty Steel manufactures a wide range of spring wires for a multitude of applications. The majority of products are made to conform to AS1472 – Carbon Steel Spring Wire for Mechanical Springs, but may also be produced to comply with overseas standards or customer specifications. Typical applications include use in the automotive industry, wire brushes, trampolines and garage door springs. 

Mechanical Spring Wire is manufactured as either bright (hard drawn) or drawn galvanised wire. Careful selection of steel feed grades, correct heat treatment of the feed and subsequent cold drawing to finished size under controlled conditions combine to produce wire capable of withstanding the deformation and operational stresses inherent in spring manufacture and use.

Mechanical Spring Wire Specifications

The specifications listed below are in accordance with AS1472 and are indicative only of the products offered by Liberty Steel.

Diameter Tolerances

Nominal Diameter Tolerance Ovality (max)
Above 1.00mm up to & incl. 4.00mm +/- 0.03mm 0.03mm
Above 4.00mm up to & incl. 7.10mm +/- 0.04mm 0.04mm
Above 7.10mm up to & incl. 10.00mm +/- 0.05mm 0.05mm
Above 10.00mm up to & incl. 11.20mm +/- 0.06mm 0.06mm

Tensile Stength (MPa)

Tensile strength is defined as the maximum load achieved in the tensile test, divided by the cross-sectional area of the wire test piece.

Hard Drawn Spring Wire


Nominal Diameter mm Tensile Strength MPa
  Range 1 Range 2 Range 3
  Min Max Min Max Min Max
0.8 1870 2160 2130 2400 2370 2680
0.9 1840 2130 2100 2370 2340 2640
1 1800 2070 2040 2310 2280 2570
1.12 1770 2040 2010 2270 2240 2530
1.25 1730 2000 1970 2230 2200 2480
1.4 1700 1960 1930 2180 2150 2430
1.6 1670 1920 1890 2130 2100 2370
1.8 1630 1880 1850 2080 2050 2320
2 1600 1840 1810 2040 2010 2270
2.24 1560 1800 1770 2000 1970 2230
2.5 1530 1760 1730 1950 1920 2170
2.8 1500 1720 1690 1910 1880 2120
3.15 1460 1680 1650 1870 1840 2080
3.55 1450 1670 1640 1850 1820 2060
4 1410 1630 1600 1810 1780 2010
4.5 1370 1590 1560 1760 1730 1960
5 1350 1560 1530 1730 1700 1920
5.6 1320 1520 1490 1680 1650 1860
6.3 1290 1490 1460 1650 1620 1830
7.1 1260 1460 1430 1620 1590 1790
8 1230 1420 1390 1570 1540 1740
9 1190 1380 1350 1530 1500 1700
10 1180 1360 1330 1510 1480 1670
11.2 1170 1340 1310 1480 1450 1640

Drawn Metallic Coated (Galvanised) Spring Wire

Nominal Diameter mm Tensile Strength MPa
  Range 1 Range 2
  Min Max Min Max
0.8 1780 2080 2020 2320
0.9 1750 2050 1990 2290
1 1710 2010 1940 2240
1.12 1680 1980 1910 2210
1.25 1640 1940 1870 2, 170
1.4 1610 1910 1830 2130
1.6 1590 1890 1790 2090
1.8 1550 1850 1760 2060
2 1520 1820 1720 2020
2.24 1480 1780 1680 1980
2.5 1450 1750 160 1940
2.8 1420 1720 16000 1900
3.15 1390 1680 1570 1870
3.55 1380 1670 1560 180
4 1340 1630 1520 1810
4.5 1300 1590 1480 1760
5 1280 1560 1450 1730

Steel Chemistry

Element Cast Analysis %  
  Min Max
Carbon 0.45 0.85
Silicon 0.1 0.55
Manganese 0.4 1.1
Chromium - 0.3
Vanadium - 0.15
Phosphorus - 0.03
Sulphur - 0.03