Image for Liberty Steel (Wire) – Groundwater

 Liberty Steel Wire – Groundwater 

Liberty Steel undertakes routine monitoring of groundwater at its Newcastle Rod, Bar and Wire Mill sites.  The results of monitoring are provided through the links below.

2016 Estuarine and Fill Results (published 9 March 2016)
2016 Estuarine and Fill Results (published 15 August 2016)

2015 Estuarine and Fill Results (published 12 May 2015)
2015 Estuarine and Fill Results (published 22 September 2015)

2014 Estuarine and Fill Results (published 26 March 2014)
2014 Estuarine Aquifer Results (published 27th August 2014)

2013 Estuarine and Fill Results (published 9 April 2013)
2013 Estuarine and Fill Results (published 9 September 2013)

2012 Esturine Aquifer Results (obtained 27 June 2012 published 29 June 2012)
2012 Fill Aquifer Results (obtained 27 June 2012 published 29 June 2012)

Location of Monitoring Points