Customised Prefabricated Reinforcing Bar Mats

Customised prefabricated Bar Mats allow steel to be prefabricated with variable spacing in a variety of shapes to significantly reduce steelfixing and congestion.

BARMAT™ Class N reinforcing bar mats allow steel to be prefabricated with variable spacing in a variety of shapes. Suitable for a variety of applications including in-situ parapets, road shoulders, bridge decks, suspended floors, culvert bases, precast walls and barriers. Combined with LIBERTY Reinforcing’s design assistance, the BARMAT™ solution enables faster installation which can reduce on-site labour, steel fixing costs and also contribute to Green Star® steel credit points for off site prefabrication.

Associated standards:

AS/NZS 4671  Steel reinforcing materials

AS 3600 Concrete structures

AS 1554.3 Welding of reinforcing steels

AS 5100.5 Bridge Design: Concrete

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